Sunday, December 9, 2012

No problem

Well, we learned that Arlie can not only go up the stairs, but down as well. Sat morning Greg walked out of the shower to see a schnoodle laying on our bed. You might think...." cute he walked up the stairs!"  What I haven't mentioned is that we had blocked the stairs with 2 very large chairs, put a chair on the stairs landing, AND had blockages on the top of the stairs. I have no idea how the schnoodle maneuvered around those obstacles. But, he was stealthy and did it. Props to him.

After a chuckle and an "our dog is the most brilliant dog in the whole world" congratulatory hug, we then pondered how will he get down the stairs. Guess we have to carry him. Then, the doorbell rang. Before we could pounce on him to not do his typical barking and running down the stairs the schnoo JUMPED off the  bed, RAN down the hallway, and went DOWN the stairs all the while with Greg and me running after him screaming for him to stop. He got to the bottom and looked at us as if to say, "Bring it stairs" and he ventured to the family room to rest.

I'm afraid to tell the docs at his follow up this Thursday that our Arlie is NOT a direction follower.

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