Monday, December 3, 2012

3 steps forward....

I did it!!!!!!! By jove....I've done it. I have outsmarted the schnoodle!!!! How you ask??? Dr. B had told me that maybe making a "meatball" out of bread and giving it to Arlie might disguise the pill. I tried that. He laughed (the way a dog can) and walked away. Then I thought...meatball....disguise....I raided my fridge and pulled out...

That's right. I went all American baby. I stuffed the pills in a cheese meatball, hyped it up to the point that Arlie was licking his lips and went in for the kill. Arlie put it in his mouth and spit it out. Then he decided to give it a go by showing me that I can't fool him and ate the top layer, convinced the pills would pop out. But NOOOOO....I went in DEEP for this meatball. He looked at me, picked it up again and licked it and spit it out. Looked at me....then GOBBLE .....ONE BITE!!! Went down the hatch.

If the above show could have been done in our family room, we would have been front row. Greg and I were literally jumping up and down...high fiving eachother....calling people...telling them WE DID IT!!!!!!!

The next day I started thinking....uh oh...can a dog eat this much cheese? Quick email to Dr. Taylor and he said we were in the clear. One problem, we ran out of American cheese. I ran to the store and got more Kraft slices, not reading the label. That night, I put his pills in our cheese meatball and gave it to him. Then, something horrible happened. He sniffed the meatball and turned his head and when I ran to the package I noticed I bought swiss cheese!!! What was I thinking???? Clearly this dog goes all American!!!! Luckily I had bought reinforcements. I got some meatballs, extra yummy for Arlie and stuffed the pills in there. He ate the meatball and then spit out the pills. I was so frustrated I took my pill gun and put them down his throat. Problem solved.

Great news is that today Dr. Taylor told us we could wean him off 2 of the pills leaving just his antibiotic (which he will be done with in one more day) and another pain pill that can now go every 12-24 hours with pain. Wooohooo!!!!! Insert celebration fireworks when he told me that.

Now, we have another issue. Arlie has forgotten how to go to the bathroom outside. He was a leg lifter and by habit he still lifts that side and falls. He's tired of falling. So he's given up and has had 2 accidents in the house. Today was beautiful so I was outside with him the whole day. Walked him every hour. No luck. This has been going on since we brought him home but we were so concerned about the pills and were so convinced he would finally get it, that I didn't blog about it.

So now, I'm onto the next outsmarting method. Two steps forward.....

Arlie has become quite a little celebrity. We are getting such nice notes from schnoodle owners and those that are also going through this horrible cancer with their pooches. He's even gotten some get well cards and gifties!

Cousin Jessie

BFF Cooper

Wonderful cards from his cousins. Notice that the dog in the pic also has 3 legs and a poofy tail. Love it.

Yummy treats and a squeaky toy
From his girl Lily

He also got a great card from his Mima and Pop Pop. Unfortunately my kids got to it as well and it's one of those cards that sing so they cardnapped it. Arlie heard it though and loved it. Thanks Mima and Pop Pop!!

Arlie is walking so much better too!

More videos to come! Thanks for stopping by Arlie's blog!

Love and paws,
Andrea and Arlie

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