Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen....we have lift off!!!!

He peed outside!!!!! I know to most people this isn't exactly newsworthy info, but for Arlie it is. It took almost 5 days but he finally figured it out. He can't lift his leg anymore. He's now a squatting dog and although he isn't thrilled about it, he is doing it.

Another great bit of news...we finished our antibiotic!! He's only on one pill a day and after taking almost 11 a day, this is big.

Why yes...that IS a tennis ball in his mouth

Putting his best foot forward
Both of my boys. One is explaining why he loves the other so much

1 comment:

  1. Arlie is so amazing! seeing how resiliant and adaptive he is is so inspirational. the video is so sweet:) thanks for sharing your journey with us! Sandy Tuttle, Elliemae and Lola doodles
