Thursday, November 14, 2013

This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship

Hello Readers! Long time no speak. Last I left you, little Oakley was coming to our house. Well.....HE'S HEEEEERE! And he's ADORABLE.

We picked him up Friday, October 25th. Here is Greg and me at the airport. We got there early and naturally tracked Oakley's flight from departure to landing. We *might* have even parked at the airport in a spot that *might* be for loading and unloading UPS boxes. That is up for debate.

The first time we laid eyes on Oakley, we just knew he was a perfect fit in our family.

The kids fell in love with him!

And so did we:

Oakley has adjusted very well in our family.  He is battling giardia (that isn't exactly fun) but is being a trooper. It's been a battle the past few weeks but we hope to have an end in sight. For the most part, he is potty trained and we are working on mouthing and not eating everything he sees!

2013 Holiday Card

The day finally happened when I did not cry over Arlie. Oakley has brought smiles back to our house and joy back in our hearts. Yes, we still think about Arlie bear and we always will. I was going to put Arlie's little Halloween collar on Oakley as his "first necklace" but it was too big. Oakley has some growing to do.

I've been pondering if this will be my last blog entry about the journey of what brought Oakley in our lives. I wondered if I should do my final entry the day we found out Arlie was diagnosed (which is right around the corner on 11/23). Then, I decided...No. I promised Arlie when he passed that I would continue with life. So that is what we are going to do. Arlie brought us Oakley and we will now carry on just as he wanted.

I thought I had the final picture for this blog all set. Here it is...both of my babies:

Then, this morning my son Jackson surprised me. We have a whiteboard where the kids like to draw and work on their letters. Jackson took it upon himself to draw the below picture:

"Mommy, I drew a real life picture! That's me and Oakley playing in the house. Then on top is Arlie! He's smiling down at us from heaven because he's happy. He knows that we are happy again."

The End.

I've decided to start a new blog in honor of Mr. Mustache.

It's time for Mr. Man to have HIS voice.

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