Wednesday, January 16, 2013


My friend Margaret sent me a link last night that wasn't schnoodle related (first read my post before going to the link):

Some of you might think Lezak? Lezak? Name sounds familiar......all I have to say is 2008 Beijing Olympics. The hype was around Michael Phelps getting his 8th gold medal and was it possible to beat Mark Spitz's record?? I was probably one of the many that way in hell can he do that. In comes Lezak. See below to refresh your memory. Just fast forward it to around the 3:00 minute mark:

What they really don't show as the camera is mostly on Phelps's reaction is just how exhausted Lezak most likely was. I read somewhere that he cut his leg getting out of the pool and was bleeding all over the place but was on such a high it didn't matter. Fact or fiction? Who knows.

Everyone knows where they were in certain times in history. Where were you during 9/11? Where were you when JFK was shot? I bet that everyone reading this can pinpoint where they were during this relay race. I was packing belongings and Greg and my new 4 month old son and my pups were gearing up to move from Arlington, VA to the suburbs. I had the Olympics on in the background (former swimmer so I'm hooked on the swimming parts) and had my sleeping 4 month old in his crib in his room (same floor mind you as the TV). We were going CRAZY. SWIMMM!!! Get that smug Frenchman!!!We went NUTS!!!! Lezak is the hero of the Beijing games. Hands down. No argument. He set aside his awesomeness and let Phelps take the glory of the 8th medal. In my opinion, Phelps owes Lezak.

Now why am I writing this? Simple. Here's a guy that no one thought could catch Bernard (said Frenchman) for the win. Not only did he catch him but he passed his butt and got the gold. Arlie can do this. He is going to come up from behind and pull a WWLD (What would Lezak do). He will live to see his brother and sister grow up. I just know it. This veteran will chase osteosarcoma down and will pull off a shocker too. And when that happens, I will Rowdy Gaines it (the announcer that goes nuts in every swimming competition aired) and I will scream, "UBELIEVABLE IN THE END!!!! HE'S DONE IT!!! ARLIE'S DONE IT!!!!"

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