I would like to show you what happens when you are the one that gives the constant pills to a dog that hates taking them....
You see! He doesn't trust his mommy anymore! He keeps thinking that everything I give him has a mickey slipped in them!!
And in this video, he expertly gums the bone (homemade dog cookies mind you) to determine if it's in fact edible and non-medicated.
After 1.5 months, Arlie has finally figured out how to get back at me. Today I let him in our backyard to romp and do his business and when he came back upstairs he was covered in leaves. I brought him right back outside to brush him off when I noticed quite a foul odor coming from him. I looked at him, he looked at me, and that's when I realized.....he rolled in a present he had left us.
I marched him upstairs and right into the shower. That isn't exactly punishment for him because he loves taking showers. He loves the blow dry and comb out afterwards even more! All the while he's looking at me with this mischievous face. I know you are probably thinking, "Lady, this is a dog. There is no mischievous face. It's a dog." Well, I say to you, "That's crap (literally). He knows. And he LOVES the reaction he gets." It's as if he's saying, "Think again before you pill me next time."
Chemo is on Friday again. Round 2. What's worse, pilling him or the chemo? Here's the BEST part. The last time he had his chemo treatment, the vet tech gave him some pills afterwards. Apparantly she had quite a party and had zero problem. When Greg went in to get him, the vet tech told him about the pills and how he is such an "easy" dog to give medicine...blah blah blah. Greg looked at her like she sprouted 5 heads and none of them told him what he wanted to hear. The vet tech then said to Greg, "Have you tried pill pockets? He just loves them!!"
Our heads exploded.