Last night we had sort of a rough night with our Arlie. He has to take 3 different pain meds and one antibiotic. Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones in which your dog doesn't mind taking pills. Not our Arlie bear. He clamps his jaws shut and looks at us as if to say, "Are you sure you want to do that?" Then after a battle I feel so victorious because I thought that he swallowed the pills. I am then crushed to see that the little stinker had managed to hide the pills in his huge cheeks and then when it started to disintegrate he spit it out.
Enter...the pill gun. I'm going hard core now.
His next round of meds are at 2:30. It's me and the pill gun vs. the schnoo.
Now, here comes the best part. You remember how he was walking in yesterday's post? Here's day 2!
Amazing! He's doing awesome!