At any rate, "M" decided to start Arlie off on a low dose of chemo due to the fact we were going out of town for the holidays. I think he also knows that I am VERY skittish about this treatment and am worried we are torturing my dog for the last year of his life in order to keep him with us as long as possible. "M" is very caring and understanding and does a great job of calming me down (as shown in the multiple email responses that I have sent him in a panic).
Unfortunately, Arlie is very drug sensitive so this little amount of chemo partnered with the anti biotic he has to be on did a number on his little tummy. He has shown no interest in his food or even his favorite treats (insert stressed mommy here). We decided to go with our stand by of chicken and rice and luckily he ate that.
Today when we brought Arlie in for his weekly bloodwork, the scale showed he lost 5 lbs (or 10% of his body weight!!!!). That is significant for a dog this size in only one week. Again, insert calming "M" here to tell me that they will switch the anti nausea meds and take him off the antibiotic right now until his appetite returns. We are also giving Arlie an appetite stimulant.
We gave Arlie the meds this morning and he has eaten his food and then gobbled up his dinner! Better yet, he brought us a squeaky toy!! Here's hoping he keeps his appetite up after we wean him off the meds.
In the meantime, here's a dose of Arlie cuteness for you. This was taken the day after chemo (the bad symptoms didn't start until roughly 3 days post chemo). But check him out only 4 weeks post amputation!!!
These two are gearing up to tour:
Lastly, here's another reason why our "first born" is amazing. He loves his little brother so much and is putting on such a brave face for his "brother" and "sister". In return, they are giving him so much love and attention to show Arlie how much he means to them.